Pastor Scott MacNaughton began a series on Ezra and Nehemiah on September 8, 2024.
Ezra begins where 2nd Chronicles leaves off. Cyrus, the king of Persia, by God's sovereignty has sent waves of Jews back to Jerusalem and Ezra seeks the repentance of God's people there.
CEF Missionary, Colter Brown, preaches a series on Jonah called "The Reluctant Prophet" during the month of January 2025.
The book of Psalms is the Bible's hymnal. Used by the church throughout all the ages for worship, Pastor MacNaughton gleans helpful truths for God's people in 21st Century from the ancient songbook.
"Romans is the longest and most systematically reasoned of Paul’s letters." Pastor Scott MacNaughton shares how the Apostle Paul presents the Gospel—Good News—for all people in this series of sermons started on September 11, 2022.
In Luke's sequel to his Gospel, he shows how the early church continued to introduce the Kingdom of God that Jesus initiated. Luke shows God's people how the Gospel is to be breathed into all of life.
This playlist includes sermons and presentations by Pastor Scott MacNaughton that are not part of a larger series.
Periodically, Covenant Presbyterian Church hosts guest preachers who share the Word of God with our congregation.
Pastor Scott MacNaughton's series for Advent 2023: "I Will Shepherd My People"
Jesus often spoke in parables . . . short stories that illustrated his teachings but also hid meanings from those whose who were closed to His Word. Pastor MacNaughton teaches this series during the summer of 2023.
When Jesus came in the flesh, humbling Himself in the incarnation, Gospel freedom erupted with the knowledge that we were truly free. This "Good News" - the Gospel - was promised long before.
Pastor MacNaughton preaches on the "wisdom literature" of the Old Testament beginning with the book of Proverbs.
Israel was without a king and "everyone did what was right in their own eyes." God, in His faithful love for His people, raised up leaders who would continually witness to that love and faithfulness.
"Vanity of vanities, says the Preacher, vanity of vanities!" The "preacher" of Ecclesiastes begins his book this way. Pastor MacNaughton delves into the depths of how the Gospel shapes our life in a world that "turns and turns."
Pastor MacNaughton's sermon series on the Gospel of Mark - started in 2018.
Some of the sermons from a series on the Apostle John's Gospel.
Covenant Presbyterian Church
875 Fremont St | Lander WY 82520 |