On Saturday, February 1 at 3 PM members of the Fremont Symphony orchestra will be performing chamber music works at CPC in their Mid-Winter Musicale and Mingle fundraiser.
The concert is free but bring a gift to support the Symphony!
The people of Covenant Presbyterian Church seek to be creative and Gospel-centered messengers of Jesus Christ. The arts—musical and visual—play an important role in God's redemptive work in our culture.
The people of Covenant Presbyterian Church, desire to apply God's truth to life's challenges and relationships providing seminars and discussions for our community.
The people of Covenant Presbyterian Church desire to be stewards of and participants in God's great outdoors which proclaim His Glory. Our families minister to one another, enjoying the beautiful creation God has given us in Lander, Wyoming.
Like your local library for toys. Free to our community. See the Toy Library page for hours.
Support group for women seeking healing from domestic violence (emotional, physical, financial, sexual). See the Refuge page for more information.
A mentoring ministry for fatherless boys founded at CPC and in churches throughout the United Stated. See the Fathers in the Field webpage for more information.
Are you interested in providing a safe place for children in our church? Click on the button to apply.
Do you want to help us out by providing care in our nursery during worship or Sunday School? Click below to sign up.
[A background check for all new caregivers will be completed]
Fill out a "Childcare Worker Application" above if you have never served in a CPC children's ministry position.
If you would like to see a complete calendar of upcoming events click on the button:
Community Men's Bible Study meet at 6:30 AM. Studying the book of Revelation.
CPC Men's Bible Study meets at 6:30 AM Thursdays. Studying the Gospel of Luke.
Women's Study meets at 10 AM Thursdays. Sally Dechert, missionary with InFaith, leads the study.
The Refuge Ministry (support group for survivors of domestic violence) is meeting in person and on Zoom. Please email refugelander@gmail.com or call (307) 330-7233 if you need help or want more information. Also, see our page here.
10 AM on Thursdays at CPC — Childcare Provided
InFaith missionary, Sally Dechert presents a study on Leviticus beginning on January 9 —Thursday mornings at CPC. Sally was with Wycliffe Bible Translators in Tanzania for several years and received a Masters Degree in Biblical Languages from Gordon-Conwell Seminary.
We are connected to churches throughout the united States and belong to the Rocky Mountain Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church in America.
We seek to be faithful to the Scriptures, True to the Reformed Faith, and Obedient to the Great Commission.
We hope to engage the culture with Reformed thinking and leadership, along with deeds of love, mercy, and justice to show the transformational power of the gospel.
Covenant Presbyterian Church
875 Fremont St | Lander WY 82520 | office@cpclanderwy.org